Apache JENA

  • Apache JENA - RDF хранилище
    • apache jena github Java framework for writing Semantic Web applications.
    • stain/jena-fuseki This is a Docker image for running Apache Jena Fuseki, which is a SPARQL 1.1 server with a web interface, backed by the Apache Jena TDB RDF triple store.
    • pyfuseki An easy way to mix together OWL and Jena Fuseki
    • pyfuseki github
    • stain/jena This docker image exposes the Apache Jena command line tool riot and its variants (e.g. turtle, rdfxml), in addition to the other Jena command line tools
    • Apache Jena and Python - how on stackoverflow
    • JayDeBeApi - bridge from JDBC database drivers to Python DB-API

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