
Теги: heroku  cli 

heroku help

Usage: heroku COMMAND

Help topics, type heroku help TOPIC for more details:

 access          manage user access to apps
 addons          manage add-ons
 apps            manage apps
 authorizations  OAuth authorizations
 buildpacks      manage the buildpacks for an app
 certs           a topic for the ssl plugin
 ci              run an application test suite on Heroku
 clients         OAuth clients on the platform
 config          manage app config vars
 domains         manage the domains for an app
 drains          list all log drains
 features        manage optional features
 git             manage local git repository for app
 keys            manage ssh keys
 labs            experimental features
 local           run heroku app locally
 logs            display recent log output
 maintenance     manage maintenance mode for an app
 members         manage organization members
 notifications   display notifications
 orgs            manage organizations
 pg              manage postgresql databases
 pipelines       manage collections of apps in pipelines
 plugins         manage plugins
 ps              manage dynos (dynos, workers)
 redis           manage heroku redis instances
 regions         list available regions
 releases        manage app releases
 run             run a one-off process inside a Heroku dyno
 sessions        OAuth sessions
 spaces          manage heroku private spaces
 status          status of the Heroku platform
 teams           manage teams

heroku apps

=== user@example.org Apps

=== Collaborated Apps
collabapp                 owner@example.org

Чтобы работать удаленно с разными проектами, использовать суффикс

heroku apps:info --app example
heroku apps:info --remote production

[poetry] билдпак для [heroku]: ссылка

При установке, в переменных на heroku не надо указывать версию poetry heroku config:set POETRY_VERSION=1.1.0