Про работу behave и unittest и немного про datetime


Интеграция [behave] и [unittest]


[nose] includes a package that takes all the class-based asserts that unittest provides and turns them into plain functions, the module’s documentation states: The nose.tools module provides […] all of the same assertX methods found in unittest.TestCase (only spelled in PEP 8 function-names fashion, so assert_equal rather than assertEqual). For instance:

from nose.tools import assert_equal

@given("foo is 'blah'")
def step_impl(context):
    assert_equal(context.foo, "blah")

Пример работы с таблицами в [behave]


  Scenario Outline: Calculator
    Given I have a calculator
    When I add "<x>" and "<y>"
    Then the calculator returns "<sum>"

        |  x  |  y | sum |
        |  1  |  1 |  2  |
        |  1  |  2 |  3  |
        |  2  |  1 |  3  |
        |  2  |  7 |  9  |

  Scenario Outline: Calculator -- @1.1  
    Given I have a calculator            
    When I add "1" and "1"               
    Then the calculator returns "2"     

  Scenario Outline: Calculator -- @1.2   
    Given I have a calculator            
    When I add "1" and "2"               
    Then the calculator returns "3"      

  Scenario Outline: Calculator -- @1.3   
    Given I have a calculator           
    When I add "2" and "1"               
    Then the calculator returns "3" 

  Scenario Outline: Calculator -- @1.4
    Given I have a calculator        
    When I add "2" and "7"              
    Then the calculator returns "9"  

Еще: как лучше организовать тестирование респонза с [behave]


Given I have a valid client auth token
And I request a user with an unknown "valid" uuid
Then I should get user not found response


Given I have a valid client auth token
And I request a user with an unknown "valid" uuid
And I get the response json
Then the expected fields should contain expected content
| field      | content               |
| statusCode | 404                   |
| error      | Not Found             |
| message    | User record not found |
  • a simple scenario
  • no table processing for your scenario
  • a method you can reuse in other scenarios where a user is not found
  • much lower cost of change if for example you want to ad another field to the response.

[datetime] без микросекунд


>>> datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
'2011-11-03 18:21:26'

Следующий понедельник в [datetime]


м>>> import datetime
>>> today = datetime.date.today()
>>> today + datetime.timedelta(days=-today.weekday(), weeks=1)
datetime.date(2009, 10, 26)

А еще [декоратор-wait-для-behave]