Machine learning with graphs
Теги: machine-learning graphs
Библиотеки, работающие с графами:
- [pyg] pytorch geometric
- Networkx
- Scikit-Network
- graph-tool
- igraph
- networkit
- RAPIDS cuGraph is a monorepo that represents a collection of packages focused on GPU-accelerated graph analytics, including support for property graphs, remote (graph as a service) operations, and graph neural (GNNs). cuGraph supports the creation and manipulation of graphs followed by the execution of scalable fast graph algorithms. Включает nx-cugraph, a [networkx] backend that provides GPU acceleration to NetworkX with zero code change.
- deep snap
- GraphGym. GraphGym is a platform for designing and evaluating Graph Neural Networks (GNN)
- Stellar Graph Machine Learning on Graphs
- Neo4j Graph Algorithms
- [apache-spark] Unified engine for large-scale data analytics
- [apache-tinkertop-and-gremlin] Apache TinkerPop™ is a graph computing framework for both graph databases (OLTP) and graph analytic systems (OLAP)
- SciGraph Represent ontologies and ontology-encoded knowledge in a [neo4j] graph.
GraphRAG s a structured, hierarchical approach to Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), as opposed to naive semantic-search approaches using plain text snippets. The GraphRAG process involves extracting a knowledge graph out of raw text, building a community hierarchy, generating summaries for these communities, and then leveraging these structures when perform RAG-based tasks.
- Бенчмарк
- Community detection for NetworkX Louvain Community Detection
- CSRGraphs - Fast and memory efficient library for large read-only graphs
- nodevectors some alghoritms, depends on CSRGraphs
- torchpr (Personalized) Page-Rank computation using PyTorch
- karateclub is an unsupervised machine learning extension library for NetworkX
- GraphWorld toolbox for graph learning researchers to systematically test new models on synthetic graph datasets. More info
- GraphGalery GraphGallery is a gallery for benchmarking Graph Neural Networks (GNNs)
- Tools created by the OSoMe team
Graph [bd]
- [neo4j]
- [dgraph]
- [janus-graph]
- TigerGraphDB The First Native Parallel Graph (NPG)
- Ontotext GraphDB. RDF Database for Knowledge Graphs. docker
- UKV. UKV is an open C-layer binary standard for “Create, Read, Update, Delete” operations, or CRUD for short.
- Tom Sawyer Graph Database Browser
- Neo4j web brouser dedicated installation
Смотри еще:
- [knowledge-graphs]
- [graph-visualization]
- [networkx]
- [pyg]
- [neo4j-ml]
- [cypher]
- [python-api-neo4j]
- [pytoneo] python package for neo4j and cypher
- [graphql]
- [sparql]
- [pytorch]
- [machine-learning]