Aditional packages
- Fastapi-login - fastapi-login provides a convenient, simple to use user authentication for FastAPI
- fastapi-users - Add quickly a registration and authentication system to your FastAPI project. FastAPI Users is designed to be as customizable and adaptable as possible.
- fastapi-docker-debug - This is a very simple demonstration on how to debug your FastAPI application via Docker container
- fastapi-celery
- python-dependency-injections example with FastAPI
- [запуск-uvicorn-на-тесте]
- [fastapi-mail]
- [http-requests-errors]
- [fastapi-requests-errors]
- [fastapi-metadata-and-docs-urls]
- [fatsapi-sql-orm-example]
- [fastapi-тестирование-базы-данных]
- [fastapi-зависимости-с-yield]
- [fastapi-events]
- [get-not_support_body]
- [fastapi-change-error-meaasage]
- [fastapi-setup-teardown]
- [fastapi-testing-dependencies-with-override]
- [fastapi-setting-environment-variables]
- [fastapi-template-backend]
- Актуальный фулстек-шаблон находжится
- [fastapi-template-vue-frontend]
- [fastapi-template-deployment]
- [fastapi-template-buildin-routes]
- [2021-10-18-daily-note] - problems with postgresql template
- [2023-09-01-daily-note] - загрузка файлов
- [python-cryptography]
- About fastapy sync threads pool and async thread
- Deployment
- Fastapy with sentry
- Openapi callbacks
- Openapi webhooks
- fastapi-scheduler
- NoSQL (Distributed / Big Data) Databases - example with couchdb, can be used for [mongodb]
- Securing FastAPI with JWT Token-based Authentication
- How to submit HTML form input value using FastAPI and Jinja2 Templates
- How to redirect the user back to the home page using FastAPI, after submitting an HTML form
- How to send RedirectResponse from a POST to a GET route in FastAPI
- How to upload a csv file using Jinja2 Templates and FastAPI , and return it after modifications
- How to Upload File using FastAPI?
- How to Upload a large File (≥3GB) to FastAPI backend
- How to download a large file using FastAPI?
- FASTAPI logging to file
- awesome-fastapi) A curated list of awesome things related to FastAPI
- Sub application startup event never triggered проблема стартап эвентов для монтированных путей в fastapi
Смотри еще:
- [celery]
- [starlit] Starlite is a light, opinionated and flexible ASGI API framework built on top of [pydantic] and [starlette]
- [pydantic]
- [starlette]
- [aiohttp]
- [tornado]
- [jwt]
- [dependency-injection]
- Streaming multipart/form-data parser provides a Python parser for parsing multipart/form-data input chunks (the most commonly used encoding when submitting data through HTML forms)