godot templates

Теги: gamedev 


  • Main Menu, Settings, Gameplay, and Pause scenes
  • Mouse, keyboard, and controller support by default
  • Sensible defaults
  • Convention over configuration
  • Easy to change
  • Uses the Compatibility renderer by default for maximum compatibility; change the renderer as needed!
  • Ship quickly, ship often
  • Developed with all platforms in mind
  • Minimal yet stylish
  • Each scene has its own folder
  • Preconfigured exports for Web, Linux, macOS, and Windows
  • OS-aware menu options & settings
  • Build script for exports (requires Ruby and untested on Windows)
  • Automatically upload to itch.io if butler is installed
  • Web builds load slowly in Chrome and Firefox on macOS and don’t work in Safari at all; this is an issue with Godot 4.0


  • Clean separation of assets, resources, scenes, scripts and shaders code
  • Continuous integration via [github-action]
  • Code formatting enforced by gdformat for gdscript code, and clang-format for shaders, via [pre-commit]
  • Keep track of licenses and attribution by following the reuse specification
  • Addons management with gd-plug
  • Automatic dependencies bumping with renovate for Godot and addons
  • Command runner with just, with a provided Justfile that handle tools installation, exporting, publishing


  • cicd
  • publish github, itch, steam


  • GitHub pages auto-deploy
  • itch.io auto-delivery
  • best practices dir stucture
  • git-LFS
  • GUT (Godot Unit Testing)

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