
Dgraph compared to other graph DBs

Features Dgraph [neo4j] [janus-graph]
Architecture Sharded and Distributed Single server (+ replicas in enterprise) Layer on top of other distributed DBs
Replication Consistent None in community edition (only available in enterprise) Via underlying DB
Data movement for shard rebalancing Automatic Not applicable (all data lies on each server) Via underlying DB
Language [graphql] inspired [cypher], [apache-tinkertop-and-gremlin] [apache-tinkertop-and-gremlin]
Protocols Grpc / HTTP + JSON / RDF Bolt + Cypher Websocket / HTTP
Transactions Distributed ACID transactions Single server ACID transactions Not typically ACID
Full-Text Search Native support Native support Via External Indexing System
Regular Expressions Native support Native support Via External Indexing System
Geo Search Native support External support only Via External Indexing System
License Apache 2.0 GPL v3 Apache 2.0

Comparison with oteher db and services (Dgraph vs [graphql] platforms, TigerGraphDB, [neo4j], FaunaDB, [mongodb])

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